Update from Leighanne:
"I've read all your comments, and just because I made the first bag out of a sheet doesn't mean they are made out of sheets now. I used a sheet to get a pattern. These bags are not made in a factory, or in China like most items that you purchase. These bags are made here in the US, made by actual people not machines and we only use the best fabrics. All of the bags are reversible so essentially you get two bags in one.
I have just recently started offering these bags that are not reversible for half the price! I carried these bags the whole time I was breast feeding and when I just needed a diaper bag I used the back pack, they have tons of room! The back packs I use for everything still! I use it not only for my bag, but it has room for all my son's things as well.
We have new items coming very soon. I hope you all give them a chance. It's hard to judge something without having actually tested it yourself."
God Bless
Leighanne Littrell
SOURCE : Littrell Fans
PS: Traduction sur demande !